Cape Cod, MA, USA * Кейп-Код, Массачусетс, July/Июль 1946 |
Young boys outside sandwich shop on a summer day |
Brothers sitting on an embankment and fishing |
A family enjoying a quiet evening by the fire |
Brothers showering under the porch at their vacation home |
Brothers walking with the family dog, returning from picking up the newspaper |
A little boy carrying the delivered milk bottles into the vacation house |
A little boy sitting on a felled tree, fishing |
A little boy blowing up a balloon |
Insort |
El Salvador, 1973 |
The Kennedy family at a White House party, 1963 |
Anglia, 1941 |
Horse Racing, 1947
Texas |
untitled, 1952
East Bronx, New York |
Dedication Of Miner'S Recreation Center (Открытие центра отдыха шахтёров), June 1946 |
Wm. Brown Boxing School For Kids (Боксёрская школа Вилльма Брауна для детей), Feb.1948 |
N.Y. Boys' Summer Home, New York (Лето нью-йоркских мальчишек), July 1948 |
from serie Guatemala Essay (Из серии Гватемальский очерк), July 1953 |