Владимир Высоцкий |
David Bowie
1950s |
Серебряков Алексей с падчерицей Дарьей и приёмными сыновьями Степаном и Данилой |
John Lennon
(left, arms spread)
c.1940s |
Starkey Zachary Richard
and Keith John Moon
1970s |
Рыхлов Кирилл (9)
2013 |
Фёдор Бондарчук |
Michael Jackson (12)
1970 |
Michael Jackson (16)
1974 |
William Franklyn-Miller (12) |
Macron Emmanuel (12)
c.1989 |
Ledger, Heath Andrew
1990s |
Цветков Андрей (12)
2017 |
Alain Delon (10)
1945 ?
Coogan Robert (5)
1931 |
Jack London (9)
and his dog Rollo
1885 |
Crown Prince
Otto von Habsburg
1920s |
Его Императорское Высочество Алексѣй Николаевичъ
ок.1910-1914 |
Turing Alan (14)
1926 |
Prince Nikolai (14)
and Prince Felix of Denmark
2013 |
Галкин Максим
1980-е |
Princess Diana with children, Princes Harry and William
1997 |
Charles Highfield
'Boy Samson' (14)
1932 |
King Harald V of Norway
end of 1940s |
Elijah Wood and
Leonardo Dicaprio
1994 |
Elon Reeve Musk
1980s |
Edward of York,
Prince of Wales
1904-1908 |
Angelina Jolie (Voight)
and her brother James
1980 |
Олег Газманов
и его сын Родион
1993 |
Daniel Radcliffe...
1999 |
Prince Philip (14)
1935 |
Johnson Boris
1970s |
Толя «Максимка» Бовыкин
1954 |
Lionel Messi
2000 |
Дмитрий Павлович Найдин (7) с отцом
1926 |
DiCaprio Leonardo
1980s |
Michael Ray (11)
1955 |
Marlon Brando
1930s |
Аркадий Гайдар
1918-1920 |
Freud Lucian
1930s |
Warhol Andy (~8)
c.1936 |
Jean-Paul Belmondo (~7)
with his brother Alain |
Маяковский Владимир (10)
1903 |
Никулин Юрий Владимирович
1930s |
Justin Timberlake (12)
and Ryan Gosling (13)
1993 |
Fidel Castro (11)
1937 |
Kim Jong Il with Kim Jong-un
1990s |
Wilhelm II (10)
1869 |
Водные процедуры
цесаревича Алексея
1913 |
Лев Бронштейн / Троцкий (9)
1888 |
Quentin Tarantino
Серёжа Шнуров (4)
1977 |
Ridley Scott's children
Jake (12) and Luke (9)
1979 |
Macaulay Culkin (10)
1990 |
Benedict Cumberbatch (13)
1989 |
Elon Musk (4.20)
1975 |
Britten Benjamin (5)
1918 |
Mercury Freddie (12)
1958 |
Gates (13) watches his friend
1968 |
Stiven King
1950s |
Al Pacino (9)
1949 |
Michael Jackson (11)
1969 |
Hašek Jaroslav (4)
1887 |
Macaulay Culkin (11)
1991 |
Macaulay Culkin (11)
and his classmate Laura |
Robert De Niro
1950s |
Peter Dear (10)
1923 |
Ben Stiller (13)
1978 |
Жириновский Владимир
начало 1960-х |
Sheffield Johnny (8)
1939 |
Robert De Niro (~3)
c.1946 |
John Depp [5]
1968 |
Jason Statham
1970s |
Гарри Каспаров [11]
1974 |
Lech Kaczynski and Jaroslaw Kaczynski (12)
19611 |
Brad Pitt (14)
1977 |
Басилашвили Олег (8)
1942 |
Einstein Albert (5)
c.1884 |
Алексей Навальный
1980-е |