untitled |
A child presents flowers to Adolf Hitler |
Adolf Hitler poses
with a young boy |
Adolf Hitler and the boys of the Hitler Youth |
Hitler with Hitler Youth
1937 |
[Hitler and boy] |
Muhammad Ali and Boy
c.1971 |
Pablo Picasso with family |
Arnold Schwarzenegger
with Stepan
1988 |
President Ronald Reagan
shakes hands with a boy
1988 |
Юрий Никулин с сыном Максимом
1963 |
Lenin with his nephew
1922 |
Vanessa Bell with her sons
1917-1918 |
Actor Charlton Heston and son Fraser Clarke Heston
1956 |
Paul McCartney
with James
1981 |
British royal family
1987 |
Mike Tyson with boxing fans
1988 |
Петар II Карађорђевић
у егзилу
1950s |
Сергей Бодров с юным поклонником
1999 |
Высоцкий с сыном М.Влади
1975 |
Н.С. Хруще
целует Сэма Гарста
1959 |
Anna Nicole Smith
and his son Daniel
1994 |
Donald Trump
and MacCauley Culkin
1991 |
Ernest Hemingway with his sons
1935 |
Michael Jackson visits an orphanage in Moscow
1993 |
Жаботинский Леонид |
Юрий Любимов с сыном
1980-е |
Алексей Пажитнов и его сын
1990-е |
Michael Jackson &
Macaulay Culkin
1993 |
Михаил Горшенёв
с юным фанатом
начало 2000-х |
Stanley Henry Morton
with African boy |
The Queen wishes her
youngest son Prince Edward
1972 |
Adriano Celentano
with his children
1970s |
Picasso and Tony Penrose
1950s |
Al Capone & Sonny Capone
1931 |
Elvis Presley
1957 |
Princess Diana
1991 |
Мария Федоровна,
будущая императрица
1870 |