Narcissus or Hyacinthus
late V B.C. |
300-100 B.C. |
Child walking with
a shoes in hand
200-175 B.C. |
Faun with kid
150-130 B.C. |
Eros with a shell
I B.C.- 100 |
II B.C. |
Portrait of a boy
late II B.C. |
Boy with a dog in his arms
II-I B.C. (late Hellenistic) |
Heracles and his nephew
I B.C. |
Slave boy sleeping
I B.C. |
Wedding of Cupid and Psyche
I B.C. |
Agrippa Postumus
late I B.C.–early I A.D. |
30 B.C.-14 A.D. |
A young boy or Eros
27 B.C.-235 A.D. |
Great Eleusinian Relief
27 B.C.-14 A.D. |
Attis as a child I
27 B.C.-284 A.D. |
late I B.C.-early I A.D. |
Ethiopian boy
с.1-199 |
title unknown
c.2-476 |
Dancing child
c.10-100 |
Roman Boy
c. 14-54 |
An boy acrobat on a crocodile
27-235 |
[Little naked boy
holding a waterskin]
Bust of a Boy
35-50 |
Youth with Jumping Weights
40-70 |
Boy with Pomegranates
40-90 A.D. |
45-79 |
Bust of a Young Boy
c.50-68 |
God's Dream
50-75 |
Dionysus and Ampelos
Dionysus and Satyr / Ampelos
50-350 |
70-100 |
Seated Hermes
79 |
Boy Hercules
81-96 |
A Boy
c.100 |
Bust of a boy
c.100 |
Bust of a boy
c.100 |
Bust of a Young Boy
100-125 A.D. |
Young Satyr with Flute
100-200 |
A boy
I A.D. |
A Boy with Astragals
I A.D. |
I A.D. |
I A.D. |
Boy in a Cloak
I A.D. |
Boy Playing
I A.D. |
Boy with Bird
I A.D. |
Harpocrates with duck
I -II A.D. |
Castor and Pollux
I A.D. |
Child Clad in a Toga
I A.D. |
I A.D. |
I A.D. |
Eros of Centocelle
I A.D. |
I A.D. |
One of two boys fighting over
a game of knucklebones
I A.D. |
I A.D. |
The Laocoon group
I A.D. |
Young Boy
I A.D. |
title unknown
I A.D. |
Bust of
a Julio-Claudian Prince
c.I A.D. |
Bust of a Boy
c.I A.D. |
A torso of a young boy
c.I A.D. |
A slave boy with a lantern
I-II A.D. |
A young boy
I-II A.D. |
El Negret
I-II A.D. |
Eros and Psyché
I-II A.D. |
Eros riding a dolphin
I - II A.D. |
Head of a Boy
I - II A.D. |
Infant Bacchus
I - II A.D. |
I - II A.D. |
Nude young boy
I-II A.D. |
Old Centaur teased by Eros
I - II A.D. |
Torso of a youth
I - II A.D. |
Young satyr playing the flute
I - II A.D. |
Bust of a Boy
98-117 A.D. |
Boy with grapes
100-150 A.D. |
Seated boy with grapes
100-200 |
Head of a Boy
101-125 |
Bust of a Boy
c.110 A.D. |
Head of a young Roman boy
100-110 A.D. |
Bust of a Boy
c.100-130 A.D. |
Dionysus and Satyr (Ampelos)
c.120-140 A.D. |
Muse Erato
130-150 A.D. |
Lucius Verus
138 A.D. |
Ganymede and the eagle
138-161 A.D. |
Sleeping cupid
138-192 A.D. |
Arrival of Aeneas and His Trojan Companions in Italy
140-150 A.D. |
Child as Heracles fighter
140-160 A.D. |
Boy Pulling a Thorn
From his Foot
150 A.D. |
Pouring Satyr
c.150 A.D. |
Sarcophagus of the boy
Lucius Otacilius
c.160 |
Ganymede and Zeus
160-170 A.D. |
c.161-192 A.D. |
Boy wearing a toga
163-170 A.D. |
Bust of Polydeukes
170s |
Prince Antonin, Annius Verus ?
c.170 |
Venus Felix
c.170 A.D. |
Medea Sarcophagus
190 A.D. |
A child
c.196 A.D. |
II A.D. |
Bоу holding a puppy
II A.D. |
Boy wearing a long mantle
II A.D. |
Boy with a Goose
II A.D. |
Boy with votive offerings
II A.D. |
Bust of a Young Boy
II A.D. |
II A.D. |
Cupid with a Bow
II A.D. |
II A.D. |
Domestic fountain
II A.D. |
II A.D. |
II A.D. |
Eros / Harpocrates
II A.D. |
Faun with infant Bacchus
and a panther
II A.D. |
II A.D. |
Ganymede carried off
by the eagle
II A.D. |
Giovane servitore o schiavo
II A.D. |
II A.D. |
II A.D. |
II A.D. |
Head of a Boy
II A.D. |
Head of a Boy
Wearing a Wreath
II A.D. |
Hercules choking
Hera's serpent Roman
II A.D. |
Infant Hercules
strangling a goose
II A.D. |
ittle boy with a bird
II A.D. |
Negroid Boy
II A.D. |
Portrait of a boy
II A.D. |
[Roman child]
II A.D. |
Roman Youth
II A.D. |
Sacrifice scene
II A.D. |
Satyr with the infant Dionysos
II A.D. |
Sleeping Eros
II A.D. |
Young Boy
A.D. |
Young Boy
A.D. |
Young boy with
a myrtle crown and torch
II A.D. |
Young Dionysus
II A.D. |
Small Boy / Eros
with a water jar
mid II A.D. |
Boy Strangling a Goose
Statue of Polyphemus
III A.D. |
III A.D. |
The Good Shepherd
200-225 A.D. |
Triumph of Dionysos
and the Seasons
260-270 |
Sarcophagus for a dead boy
300-400 |
A boy |
[Boy and a dog] |
A boy and a goose |
A child
(Herakles resting) |
A child
(Herakles resting) |
A child
(Herakles resting) |
Aphrodite and Paris |
Bacchus and Ampelos |
Boy |
Boy |
Boy Carrying a Vase |
Boy Strangling a Goose |
Boy Strangling a Goose |
Boy with a dog |
Boy with Curly Fringe |
Bust of a Boy |
Child dressed in toga |
Dionysos and Young Boy |
Eros or Bacchus |
Ganymedes and the Eagle |
Ganymedes and the Eagle (?) |
Genius of Death |
Head of a boy |
Head of a child
Hercules as a child |
Lucius Verus as Child |
Lüttinger Knabe |
Roman Boy |
Roman Child |
Slave boy |
[Sleeping Eros] |
Statue of an ephebos
(Young boy) |
Statue of a satyr |
Torso di fanciullo romana |
[Young Boy] |
Young hunter |
Youth playing flute |
title unknown |
title unknown |
title unknown |
title unknown |