Jimmy, the Storyteller
1946 |
Three Boys on a Suitcase
c.1947 |
Boys Fight
1948 |
1948 |
Shoeshine boy
1948 |
Shoeshine boy
getting a customer
1948 |
Shoeshine boy getting paid
1948 |
Boys Fishing from Pier
1949 |
Passing by
the Central Park Reservoir
1950s |
1950s |
1951 |
Tel Aviv sea wall
1951 |
Little boy |
Tired little boy after the circus |
Three boys |
Little Fugitive (Маленький беглец), 1953 
directed by (режиссёры) Raymond Abrashkin, Morris Engel and Ruth Orkin,
фильм о 7-ми летнем мальчике, сбежавшем из дома и потратившем день в путешествии по Кони Айленду |
Poster of the film
'The Little Fugitive' |
Photo from film
'The Little Fugitive' |
Photo from film
'The Little Fugitive' |